2023 Iredell County 4-H Needs Assessment
As a community organization, we are always looking for ways to improve our programming. Your feedback from this survey allows us to see what the needs of our youth are and gives us ideas on how to improve our programming to meet those needs. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Questions about this form?  Contact Iredell County 4-H Agent Adreanna White-Foxx at 704-873-0507 or awhite6@ncsu.edu.
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Please select which describes you the best.
Select all that apply.
What types of programs would you like to see Iredell County 4-H offer?
Select all that apply. 
What are some specific programs that you would be interested in us hosting that pertain to the selections you made above?
If your child was to attend a 4-H event, which of the following would make this event more appealing, and make your attendance more likely? *
What District and State 4-H events would your youth be interested in attending? Please refer to the Iredell County 4-H Handbook to learn more about these events and opportunities. *
Are there barriers that are preventing youth from participating in 4-H events and activities? 
What is the most effective way for us to deliver information about upcoming 4-H events to you and your family?
Select all that apply
If you were to serve as a 4-H volunteer, what sort of things would encourage you to volunteer or continue to volunteer? *
If you've ever been unable to attend or volunteer at a 4-H program, please select factors that contributed to this from the list below.  *
How would you be interested in volunteering with 4-H? *
What suggestions/comments/questions do you have regarding the Iredell County 4-H Program?
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